
The following will be some cool hot links to different things and people I appreciate

fellow poets

though we differ a good deal in terms of demographics and number of books published, I strongly relate to Hanif Abdurraquib because it seems like he always has a song stuck in his head

Danez Smith writes beautiful poems which you can read in several places

Analicia Sotelo wrote this very good book and Milkweed Editions has other books as well

idk who this guy Gary Beck is but he hustles hard

Bell Lap is an incredibly badass book of poems about the badass sport of cyclocross racing that you might enjoy

this is a weird page full of poems and images that you might enjoy the experience of. fair warning it flashes a lot

if you've already read Shayla Lawson's book I Think I'm Ready to See Frank Ocean then you know what I mean but if not WHAT ARE YOU DOING GO GET IT NOW I'LL WAIT

courtney maum is another xtreme hustler though not a poet as far as I know


poetry magazine doesn't want to publish my poems for some reason, but they are still pretty cool.

indiebound is a good place to buy books if you can't find them at the library or the supermarket

don't sleep on this list of the best free writing contests that aren't scams!

writing resources

if you are still confused about what poetry is you might consult this Wikipedia article

just cool stuff

If you go to this link, it will play the song "Letting the Days Go By" by the Talking Heads over and over again until you leave the page. A valuable service that I appreciate!

someone put up a collected works of Damon Runyon page and I think that is pretty cool!

here's a chiptune tribute to Kind of Blue:

The Old Net has saved copies of many websites, including this amazing Kate Bush fan site.

a romance scenario prompt generator is here

more to follow I hope! if you have suggestions for cool hot links or poetry-related reading please contact ghostchance [at] tutanota [dot] com.
